Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Beatles

The Beatles
Originally uploaded by MrBo.
The greatest musical group ever.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley
Originally uploaded by MrBo.
John Lennon: "Nothing really affected me until I heard Elvis. If there hadn’t been an Elvis, there wouldn’t have been the Beatles"

PAUL McCartney: "The Beatles would've happened had he not been around"

Frank Sinatra: "I'm just a singer. Elvis was the embodiment of the whole American culture."

Mick Jagger: "No-one but on-one is his equal or ever will be!

Bruce Springsteen: "Elvis is my religion. But for him, I'd be selling encyclopaedias right now!"

Muhammad Ali: "I don’t admire nobody but Elvis Presley. He was the sweetest most humble and nicest man you’d ever meet."

Have You Ever Seen A Ghost?

ghosts are ready!
Originally uploaded by droolcup.
I once saw a ghost or then again it might have been from one of those really really bad hangovers I use to have.

Read The Sign

I forget
Originally uploaded by senseless_.
That says it all.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate
Originally uploaded by MrBo.
The most beautiful woman that ever lived.

Hello Ginger

Originally uploaded by Trinity.
Hello Ginger my name is MrBo.

Real Love

When two people fall in love
Both are blessed by God above
Heavenly hands protect like a glove.

Love grows by the seeds you sow
This is the love you both will know
In your life the love will truly show.

True Love will stand the test of time
Be you penniless without a dime
Love resounds like eternal chimes.

With the Love you take
Equal the Love you make
True Love will never forsake.

When two people fall in love
Both are blessed by God above
Heavenly hands protect like a glove.

Written by
Jeffrey Boyd

A Never Ending Road

As I walk down this lonely old road
My shoulders seem to carry a heavy load
Never will I be free as the fish or toad.

Memories from my troubled past
Seem to appear as an all star cast
From the first actors to the very last.

I wonder if hope is in sight
With these monsters I fight
They punish me for their delight.

As I walk down this lonely old road
My shoulders seem to carry a heavy load
Never will I be free as the fish or toad.

Written by
Jeffrey Boyd

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No More War

Picture war's ugly head
See people hurt and dead
Streets all covered in red.

Picture the body count
As causalities of war mount
War is hell as many do account.

Picture all the nameless faces
Of children in war torn places
War has plagued all the races.

Picture people in a happy land
Where all nations learn to stand
And armies of the world disband.

Picture people breaking bread
As the peace treaties are read
And little children are safely lead.

Written by
Jeffrey Boyd

When Life Is No More

When Life for me is no more
And I have nothing left in store
I hope to walk on that Heavenly shore.

For a day in the life
When Depression cuts like a knife
Rendering me helpless from it's strife.

With a million or more regrets
Many times my eyes have been wet
For I failed to make the grade you can bet.

No one will ever understand
The pain and sadness at hand
Feeling like a stranger in a far off land.

And now has tears subside
I swallow my last bits of pride
Waiting eagerly for my last ride.

O to the day I me mine
When I tasted life's bitter sweet wine
Now I wait for my day in the sun to shine.

Written by
Jeffrey Boyd

The Price Of Fame

From where they came
Are they ever the same
Once they obtain fame.

With their name up in lights
Shining like a star at night
Hollywood glamour ever so bright.

Stardom is not always a blast
If not starring in a premiere cast
Many wonder if their fame will last.

At first feeling like two foot tall
Many dare to answer the curtain call
In the end fearing if they will fall.

From where they came
Are they ever the same
Once they obtain fame

Written by
Jeffrey Boyd

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